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What does your LHNA membership pay for?

Each year the Loring Heights Neighborhood Association collects voluntary memberships from the residents to help fund activities and projects that we believe benefit each of our neighbors. This requires approximately $25,000 per year to complete the following ongoing activities. We hope that each of our neighbors see the value in these investments and will continue to join the neighborhood association. 


Loring Heights Park and Tanyard Creek Greenspace +Dog Park

The Loring Heights Neighborhood Association takes on many of the responsibilities to keep these parks maintained and clean. These items are funded by LHNA through annual dues, and are outside what they City of Atlanta does for our park, including:

  • Monthly landscape services, including mowing and blowing

  • Dog waste pick up and disposal and keeping the waste bags full of refills 

  • Hardscape upkeep, including fresh mulch at the playground, gravel on the walkway around the pond, and dog park stone

  • Pond aerator servicing to keep our pond clean and odor free

  • Pond park decking and playground structure maintenance and repairs 

  • Pond park deck and dog park furniture replacement 



Social Events

The Loring Heights Neighborhood Association plans and funds social events throughout the year, including:


  • Second Friday social events, including free Kona Ice at the beginning of the Summer 

  • Partial funding of the annual Loring Heights Holiday Party in December

  • Partial funding of the Halloween Pizza Party

  • Funding for the road closure, and security patrol on Halloween (which includes a right-of-way closure through the City permit office and two off-duty Atlanta Police Department officers)


Neighborhood Administration Activities

The Loring Heights Neighborhood Association uses our annual dues for several administrative activities, including:


  • Maintaining membership of the Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods. 

  • Maintaining membership of NPU-E. Payments towards our NPU help support the continuous legal review of liquor license applications, large community event permits, and variances in and around our neighborhood. 

  • Neighborhood general liability insurance that renews every year - this includes coverage of our Loring Heights Monuments at the entrance at Loring Drive. 

  • Updates and maintenance of the Loring Heights website! 

  • The purchase of yard signs and annual mailers to inform neighbors of our membership drive, Halloween road closures, and other activities.

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